Adopt-A-Highway Spring Clean-Up 2012
October 23rd Adopt-A-Highway – Fall Cleanup (Bill Rogers) saw a beautiful fall day and about 21 picker-uppers enjoying their collection tasks.
Oct. 16th Ear Muff Run was well attended with 9 cars, led by Graeme (filling in for Eric Taylor). The wonderful scenic route ended up at the Admiral's Post. The winning participant was Ms. Wilheminia Rogers (see photo below).
Oct. 11th General Meeting was held with a record number of 22 “Show & Shine” cars on display. At our meeting, Jonna Chalmers showed some impressive photos of her father racing in early days in Denmark, no seat belts, fiery crashes and a lack of safety standards.
October 1st Visit by MG Car Club of Toronto – Cruise from Owen Sound to CobbleBeach, then to Walters Falls, ending at Blue Mountain Inn
Adopt-A-Highway Spring 2011 Cleanup - April 24, 2011
Annual General Meeting – February 14th 2011
Thirty four GBBCC members attended the fifth AGM, held in the Timber Room, Swiss Chalet, Collingwood.
The following members were re-elected or elected as the new Executive for 2011:
President (& Webmaster): Graeme Wallace
Vice President: Ralph Kertcher
Treasurer: Peter Smith
Secretary: Brian Bailey
Membership: Don Godfrey
Event Coordinator (1st Half): Brian Wootton
Event Coordinator (2nd Half): Eric Taylor
Director at Large: Bill Rogers
After the AGM, the regular monthly meeting took place with very good participation by GBBCC members who described some of their winter projects as well as car stories.